
哈雷是世界上最具标志性的摩托车之一, 但他们开始可能有点挑战. 有几种不同的方法可以启动哈雷戴维森摩托车, 最好的方法取决于型号和电池类型. 一种方法是使用标准汽车电池.



您需要拆下火花塞并将正极和负极端子连接到电池. 连接后务必拧紧端子螺栓. 下一个, 按住启动按钮,同时用扳手翻转发动机. 如果您使用电动摩托车, 在启动发动机之前,您需要插入电启动套件.

  • 确保电池已正确充电并且电池电缆连接良好. 如果自行车冷, 在尝试启动之前让它预热几分钟. 这将有助于发动机更容易翻转.
  • 如果可能,请使用重型延长线. 较轻的电源线可能没有足够的动力来启动自行车. 通过检查仪表或使用燃油泵来确认油箱中有气体.
  • If there isn’t enough gas, add more from a gas station or another motorcycle. Push down on the starter with your foot while turning the key to start the engine.
  • If the engine doesn’t start after several tries, try removing the key and starting it by pressing down on the clutch while turning the key.


If your Harley motorcycle won’t start, there are a few things you can do before calling a tow truck. Jumpstarting a Harley is a difficult task, but not impossible if you have the right tools and know how to do it.

如果您的汽车电池没电了, you can use a Noco GB40 启动器 to get it up and running again.


  1. Park your car close to the bike and turn off both your car’s ignition.
  2. Open your car door nearest the bike, so that you are standing between it and the car’s engine.
  3. Turn on the bike’s ignition and wait about ten seconds for it to warm up.
  4. Drive your car away from the bike, slowly at first, until you have a good distance between them.
  5. Turn off your car’s ignition and open the door closest to the bike.
  6. Lean down and grab hold of the handlebars of the bike with one hand, while steadying yourself with the other hand.
  7. Pull the bike towards you until it is completely off of the ground and out of danger.


If you’re having trouble starting your Harley and it’s not due to a dead battery, give these tips a try:

  1. Make sure all of your Harley’s electrical accessories are turned off. This includes the ignition, horns, 灯, and gauges.
  2. You may be electrocuted if you touch any part of the motorcycle while it’s life! 在启动之前断开所有与哈雷的连接.
  3. 把油门全开,让摩托车一直跑到熄火. 继续以这种高速运转发动机约 10 秒.
  4. 关闭发动机并断开摩托车的所有导线. 取下火花塞盖,用一只手将其牢牢靠在火花塞上,另一只手拧下火花塞.
  5. 在两者都被移除之前不要松开盖子. 如果没有火花, 更换火花塞.
  6. 清洁与火花塞接触的所有表面,包括绝缘体, 电极, 和地线. 更换任何氧化部件.
  7. 根据制造商的说明安装新的火花塞并拧紧盖子.

启动摩托车需要连接摩托车电池或其他车辆电池的跨接电缆以启动它. 需要注意的是,这仅在两个电池都至少部分充电时才有效. 否则, 您最终可能会在此过程中损坏两个电池.


有多种方法可以在不卸下座椅的情况下启动哈雷, 但最有效的是使用便携式电池充电器. 如果您只想快速启动一辆自行车, 试着为它找一个额外的电池,这样你完成后就有两个可用的电池. 如果您要启动不止一辆自行车, 最好购买专用的启动器.

启动哈雷的最佳方法是将电池充电器的负极连接到摩托车的电池端子, 然后将电池充电器的正极引线连接到摩托车的点火线圈. 一旦一切都连接起来, 打开点火开关并按住启动按钮直到发动机启动. 发动机运转时注意不要碰其他任何东西; 如果你这样做, 你可能会产生可能引发火灾的火花.

第一步是取下电池盖. 下一个, 找到并松开将负极电缆连接到电池的夹子. 最后, 断开电缆并将其从电池中拉出. 确保不要丢失任何这些碎片! 现在您所要做的就是将电池的正极电缆连接到摩托车的电池接线柱并拧紧夹子. 然后打开你的引擎,等待它启动.


骑自行车 10 离电池几码远, 关掉点火, 并断开电池导线. 将导线重新连接到自行车的电池并打开发动机. 另一种方法是使用摩托车电池. 拆下火花塞,将跨接电缆的一端连接到自行车电池,另一端连接到汽车电池. 打开引擎并等待它启动.

有几种不同的方法可以启动哈雷摩托车. 虽然所有方法都有效, 启动哈雷的最佳方式可能取决于它所拥有的电池类型. If the motorcycle has a lead-acid battery, you can try using a wrench to turn the bolt that holds the battery in place. If the motorcycle has a nickel-cadmium battery, you can try using a flathead screwdriver to pry off the cover and then use a voltmeter to see if there is enough juice to start the engine.


One approach is to use a portable electrician’s or car charger as a starting device. This type of charger has two large, heavy-duty plugs that fit into the cigarette lighter and power outlets in cars and trucks. Once you have connected the two plugs, simply plug your Harley’s battery into one of the sockets and turn on the ignition. Another approach is to use an AC adapter to connect your bike’s battery directly to an outlet. 将适配器插入适当的墙壁插座并打开自行车的点火开关.

哈雷戴维森 hog Booster 便携式电池组

如果您是众多在启动摩托车时一直在寻求额外助力的哈雷车主之一, 便携式电池组可能是完美的解决方案. 你可以找到各种各样的这些包, 零售和在线, 他们都有自己的优点和缺点. 以下是当今市场上可用的前三个选项:

Harley davidson hog booster 便携式电池组是市场上最受欢迎的选择之一. 它具有两个通过皮带驱动系统相互连接的 12 伏电池. 这使您无需使用外部电源即可快速启动自行车. 然而, 这个包相对昂贵,并且没有提供与其他一些可用选项一样多的容量. 它由一个小电池组组成,您可以将其连接到自行车的车把上. 该系统提供足够的动力来快速启动您的自行车, 但它没有生猪助推器包那么多的容量.

Harley Davidson Hog 助推器便携式电池组是启动您的 Harley 并使其快速再次运行的好方法. 生猪助推器是一种大功率电池,可以启动任何哈雷戴维森发动机. 只需将生猪助推器插入自行车的电池并打开即可. 你很快就会回到路上.


Hog Booster便携式电池组是一个小, 强大的, 和负担得起的启动器,有助于启动哈雷戴维森摩托车. It is very easy to use and only requires three simple steps:

Connect the Hog booster to the motorcycle battery using the provided cable; press the start button to start the jump-starting process; and hold the button until the light flashes green, indicating that the battery is fully charged.

If your motorcycle does not start after trying to jump-start it with a standard battery, it may be due to a weak battery or poor connection.

To test whether your battery is weak, try starting your motorcycle with the Hog booster connected first, then use a standard battery if necessary. If your motorcycle still won’t start after connecting the Hog booster, your battery may be too weak to begin with or there may be an issue with the connection. 无论哪种情况, 您可以按照以下说明用新电池更换电池.


如果您正在考虑购买哈雷戴维森摩托车,但不太确定如何购买, 这篇文章是给你的. 在里面, 我们将讨论需要做什么才能让您的 Harley 启动并运行, 以及有关如何使流程更顺畅的一些提示.