永啟動跳躍啟動器vs古鲁跳啟動器, 邊個仲好?

永啟動跳躍啟動器vs古鲁跳啟動器: 我將向你展示如何透過比較EverStart 500A跳躍啟動器與Gooloo啟動器嚟為您的汽車選擇最佳嘅啟動器.


EverStart Jump Starter是一款便攜式跨接啟動器,可以幫助您在電池沒電的情況下啟動汽車. 佢係市場上最好嘅便攜式啟動器,具有一些驚人嘅功能. 這 永開跳啟動器 有兩個12伏直流插座, 可讓您在旅途中為電子設備充電. EverStart Jump Starter仲具有內置嘅LED手電筒, 所以你可以喺夜晚將佢用作光源.

EverStart Jump Starter帶有集成嘅 400 AMP迷你空壓機, 這將使輪胎充氣至 35 PSI. EverStart Jump Starter 有一個令人印象深刻的 400 放大器峰值電流和 800 用于快速車輛啟動嘅放大器啟動電流. 這款便攜式跨接啟動器配有 4 量規線組, 因此,您可以將其連接到任何尺寸的電池,而不必擔心損壞汽車的電池或電氣系統 (4 規格線組與所有汽車兼容).

跨接啟動器具有雙功能 12 用于一次為多個設備充電嘅Volt端口,其緊湊嘅設計使其喺唔使用時易於存放喺行李箱或手套箱中. 跨接啟動器易於使用, 只需插入夾子並等待電池指示燈亮起, 然後轉動鎖匙並啟動您的汽車! 如果您曾經有過沒電的電池或需要啟動您的汽車, 咁你就知呢個產品有多有用了.




它設計用于12V發動機,並配有內置CNC電池測試儀同跨接電纜. 電池保證至少 5 年, 所以你可以確定你的Gooloo會持續好多年. 它的最大容量為300A,並配有內置手電筒以及USB端口,可在旅途中為手機充電.

古魯嘅電池已通過UL測試, 意味住它符合商業用途嘅安全標準. This is especially important if you plan on using your Gooloo frequently or leaving it at home during power outages when you’re away from home. 這 咕嚕跳起動器 has received positive reviews from users who have used it in the past few years. Many reviewers mention how easy it is to use and how quickly their cars were able to start after using the Gooloo Jump Starter. Others commented on how lightweight this device is compared to other models available on the market today. Some users did note that they experienced problems with their car’s battery after using it.

This device comes with a built-in rechargeable battery that can be recharged using the included USB cable. The device is also equipped with an LED flashlight that can help you navigate dark areas. Gooloo Jump Starter是一款輕巧緊湊的設備,重量僅為 2 磅, 便於在需要時隨身攜帶.

Gooloo Jump Starter配備了過充電保護功能,因此您不必擔心在使用後再次充電時會損壞車輛電池. 它還具有多種安全功能,包括短路保護, 過流保護, 過放電保護同過熱保護.


EverStart Jump Starter和Gooloo Jump Starter都是便攜式Jumpstarter,具有12V電池. 它們都具有相同嘅尺寸同重量. EverStart Jump Starter 有兩種不同的型號可供選擇, 一個用于 $120 仲有一個用于 $150. Gooloo Jump Starter也有兩種不同的型號可供選擇, 一個用于 $110 仲有一個用于 $160. Both EverStart Jump Starter and Gooloo Jump Starter come with a carrying case so you can easily carry them around with you. They also have a built-in flashlight on their top side so you can use them as a flashlight if needed (just like the other ones).

Gooloo同Everstart Jump Starters之間嘅區別

The first difference between these two jump starters is that the Gooloo has a smaller battery capacity than the Everstart. The Everstart has a 12000mAh battery while the Gooloo has a 10400mAh battery.

The difference in capacity can be noticed when looking at the weight of each device: The Gooloo weighs 3 pounds while the Everstart weighs 2 磅. This means that you will have to recharge your Gooloo more often than you would have to recharge your Everstart, which may affect its portability.

呢兩種設備之間嘅另一個區別係它們的價格標籤: 古魯成本 $130 而永恒之首嘅成本 $80, 因此,您可以使用此產品獲得更少的收益. 呢兩種產品之間仲有其他細微區別, 但兩個可能足以令你在決定哪一個適合你之前做更多嘅研究。!


EverStart Jump Starter具有內置的LED手電筒,如果您在夜間或黑暗天氣條件下駕駛時需要更換輪胎或修復其他機械問題,則可以更輕鬆地看到自己在做什麼.

該設備仲配有12V直流電源插座同 120 PSI air compressor which makes it possible for it to serve as a portable power station in case of an emergency situation where you need extra power supply for electronic devices such as cell phones and laptops etc.

The Gooloo Jump Starter has a lot of great features as well! It has the ability to start engines up to 6L, but will not work on diesel engines or larger engines like what the EverStart can do. The Gooloo also comes with two cables instead of one like the EverStart does – one for batteries under 24V and another for batteries over 24V. This allows you to charge any type of battery whether it be car, 船, lawn mower or even motorcycle! The Gooloo also has built-in safety features such as reverse polarity protection and short circuit protection which ensures that you will not damage your battery.


The EverStart Jump Starter has overload protection and reverse polarity protection to keep you safe when using it. It also has an automatic voltage detection feature, which means it will detect if your battery needs charging first before starting it up. This prevents overcharging that could damage the battery or cause an explosion if there’s too much pressure inside the jumper cable and lead acid battery causes sparks when connected together incorrectly.

Gooloo Jump Starter The Gooloo jump starter is a good option if you are looking for something affordable but still want quality performance from your jumper starter.

Safety is paramount when it comes to jump starters and battery chargers. The EverStart Jump Starter and the Gooloo Jump Starter both have safety features that protect you and your car. Both the Gooloo and the EverStart come with safety features that will keep you from getting hurt while using them.

They also come with safety features that protect your car from damage when you’re using them to jump start a dead battery. The Gooloo has two main safety features: Protected against reverse polarity: This means if you accidentally connect the clamps in reverse, they won’t damage either your car or the jumper cables themselves. It also means that if someone tries to steal your battery charger, they won’t be able to use it because they won’t be able to connect it properly.

Another safety feature is that the EverStarts come with a power gauge that lets you know how much charge is left in the battery before you need to recharge it again.

The Gooloo jump starter also offers some excellent safety features like an automatic shutoff function and an LED flashlight so that you can see what.


When it comes to price, EverStart is the more expensive of the two. The EverStart Jump Starter has a list price of $99, while Gooloo’s model has a list price of $85. In terms of performance, both jump starters are very similar. They have similar peak amps — 800 in the case of EverStart and 800 in the case of Gooloo — as well as comparable cold cranking amps (500 CCA vs 500 CCA).

EverStart有存在好長時間, 佢哋嘅產品以其高品質而聞名. 它們已被好多用戶審查, 它們係市場上最好嘅汽車啟動器之一. 然而, EverStart過Gooloo貴. 如果您想購買汽車跳線啟動器,Gooloo也是一個不錯的選擇. 與其他快速啟動器(如EverStart或PowerAll)相比,它具有一些優勢,因為它可以與其他設備(如手機)一起使用。, 片, 筆記本電腦甚至冇人機.


EverStart Jump Starters vs Gooloo Jumpstarters EverStart同Gooloo都提供咗一系列出色嘅便攜式跨接啟動器,任何需要電池充電嘅人都可以使用. They don’t require any tools for installation or maintenance since there’s no need to install them permanently on your vehicle’s battery.

These devices are both portable battery packs that can jump start your car if you get stranded with a dead battery. Both of these devices have their pros and cons.

EverStart is the better choice. One of the main benefits of EverStart is that it comes with everything you need—no extra equipment necessary. 此外, it’s safer than a traditional jump starter (which costs anywhere from $60 自 $90). And while Gooloo Jump Starter doesn’t come with any cables or cords, you should still have no issues getting it on your car’s battery. 然而, if that’s not enough for you, you can always purchase the appropriate cables from your nearest auto parts store.

咕嚕跳起動器 4000

The Gooloo Jump Starter 4000 is a portable jump starter that allows drivers to start their vehicle when the battery is dead. It features a built-in air compressor that allows you to inflate tires on cars and trucks, as well as other types of tires.

It also has two USB ports for charging devices on the go, including smartphones and tablets. It can charge an Apple iPhone 6 almost three times on a single charge. The device has a built-in lithium ion battery that provides the power needed to jumpstart your vehicle up to 20 times替換為其 400 ampere peak current. The unit weighs just over 6 pounds and measures 4 x 2 x 12 inches in size, making it easy to take along with you when traveling.

The Gooloo Jump Starter has a built-in lithium ion battery that provides up to 400 ampere peak current capacity at 12 volts DC output. This enables it to jumpstart most vehicles up to 10 times without any issues or problems. 2 USB端口: This portable jump starter comes with two USB ports that allow you to charge smartphones, tablets and other devices while on the road or out.

The Gooloo Jump Starter 4000 has been designed to be compact and portable, with a weight of just 4 磅. It has a CCA of 400 安培, 足以啟動大多數汽車. It comes with an integrated flashlight that can be used for several purposes, including lightening dark areas or signaling for help in an emergency situation.

It comes with a USB port and also has a built-in compass and thermometer. There is also an air compressor that can be used to inflate tires or other inflatable objects.

EverStart Maxx Jump Starter 1200

Check EverStart Maxx Jump Starter 1200 客戶評價

The EverStart Maxx Jump Starter 1200 is a portable jump starter that can jumpstart your car up to 15 單次充電次數. It also features an air compressor to inflate tires and an LED flashlight. 這 EverStart Maxx Jump Starter is a good option if you’re looking for a portable jump starter, but it’s not the best pick for charging smartphones or tablets due to its limited output ports.

The EverStart Maxx Jump Starter has a maximum output of 600 amps at 12V DC, which makes it one of the most powerful portable jump starters on the market today. That’s enough power to start even large trucks and SUVs with ease. In fact, this unit is so powerful that it can start two vehicles at once if you have two cables available — an industry first! The EverStart Maxx Jump Starter 1200 has a built-in air compressor that can fill tires up to 80 PSI in just 3 minutes flat.

This feature makes it one of the few portable jump starters on the market today with this capability and it comes in handy when you need to inflate tires quickly and easily without having to physically go over to an air station or gas station.

The EverStart Jump Starter is best for heavy duty vehicles and trucks. The EverStart Jump Starter can start a dead battery up to 15 單次充電次數. It comes with a 100-amp clamps and a 12V power outlet, which allows you to charge your smartphone or other devices while the EverStart is in use. 這款跨接式啟動器甚至具有內置嘅LED燈,適用於那些需要額外照明嘅黑暗夜晚. EverStart Maxx Jump Starter 充滿電,在您最需要的時候隨時可用.

它還包括一個用于畀輪胎充氣嘅空氣壓縮機. EverStart Maxx跨接啟動器配有重型夾具和電纜,可輕鬆連接到電池端子, 以及兩個內置風扇,用于喺運行過程中冷卻內部組件. 永無止境 1200 具有符合人體工程學的設計,帶有橡膠手柄,易於操作, 即使你戴住手套或喺寒冷的天氣條件下工作. The EverStart Maxx 1200 配備12V DC插座,因此你可以喺旅途中為智能手機或其他移動設備充電 (使用可選適配器).

EverStart跳投啟動器嘅終結vs Gooloo Jump啟動器

EverStart Jump Starter or Gooloo Jump Starter should be used in an emergency situation only and they should not be used regularly. starter every car needs is the battery. The battery is connected to the starter, which is attached to the motor.