EverStart Jump Starter vs Gooloo Jump Starter: I am going to show you how you can choose the best jump starter for your car by comparing EverStart 500A Jumps Starter vs Gooloo Jump Starter.
EverStart Jump Starter
EverStart Jump Starter is a portable jump starter that can help you to start your car in the event of a dead battery. It’s the best portable jump starter on the market and it comes with some amazing features. The EverStart Jump Starter has two 12-volt DC outlets, which allow you to charge electronic devices while on the road. The EverStart Jump Starter also has a built-in LED flashlight, so you can use it as a light source at night.
The EverStart Jump Starter comes with an integrated 400 amp mini air compressor, which will inflate tires up to 35 PSI. The EverStart Jump Starter has an impressive 400 amp peak current and 800 amp starting current for quick vehicle starts. This portable jump starter comes with a 4 gauge wire set, so you can connect it to any size battery without worrying about damaging your car’s battery or electrical system (4 gauge wire sets are compatible with all cars).
The Jump Starter features dual 12 volt ports for charging multiple devices at once and its compact design makes it easy to store in your trunk or glove compartment when not in use. The Jump Starter is easy to use, just plug in the clamps and wait for the battery light to come on, then turn the key and start your car! If you have ever had a dead battery or needed to jump start your car, then you know how useful this product can be.
Gooloo Jump Starter
Click To See Gooloo Jump Starter Price
It is designed for use with 12V engines and comes with a built-in CNC battery tester and jumper cables. The batteries are guaranteed for a minimum of 5 zaka, so you can be sure that your Gooloo will last for many years. It has a maximum capacity of 300A and comes with a built-in flashlight as well as a USB port for charging your phone on the go.
Gooloo’s battery has been tested by UL, which means that it meets their safety standards for commercial use. This is especially important if you plan on using your Gooloo frequently or leaving it at home during power outages when you’re away from home. The Gooloo Jump Starter has received positive reviews from users who have used it in the past few years. Many reviewers mention how easy it is to use and how quickly their cars were able to start after using the Gooloo Jump Starter. Others commented on how lightweight this device is compared to other models available on the market today. Some users did note that they experienced problems with their car’s battery after using it.
This device comes with a built-in rechargeable battery that can be recharged using the included USB cable. The device is also equipped with an LED flashlight that can help you navigate dark areas. Gooloo Jump Starter ndi chipangizo chopepuka komanso chophatikizika chomwe chimalemera basi 2 mapaundi, zomwe zimapangitsa kuti zikhale zosavuta kunyamula pakafunika.
Gooloo Jump Starter imabwera ndi chitetezo chowonjezera kuti musadandaule za kuwononga batri yagalimoto yanu ndikuyitchanso mukaigwiritsa ntchito.. Imabweranso ndi zinthu zingapo zachitetezo kuphatikiza chitetezo chachifupi, pa chitetezo chamakono, pa chitetezo chotuluka m'thupi komanso chitetezo pa kutentha.
Similarities Between Gooloo and EverStart Jump Starter
Onse a EverStart Jump Starter ndi Gooloo Jump Starter ndi zoyambira zodumphira zomwe zili ndi batire ya 12V.. Onse awiri ali ndi miyeso yofanana ndi kulemera kwake. EverStart Jump Starter imapezeka mumitundu iwiri yosiyana, imodzi kwa $120 ndi chimodzi cha $150. Gooloo Jump Starter imapezekanso mumitundu iwiri yosiyana, imodzi kwa $110 ndi chimodzi cha $160. Onse a EverStart Jump Starter ndi Gooloo Jump Starter amabwera ndi chonyamulira kuti mutha kunyamula nawo mosavuta.. Amakhalanso ndi tochi yomangidwa kumbali yawo yapamwamba kuti muthe kuzigwiritsa ntchito ngati tochi ngati pakufunika (monga enawo).
Differences Between Gooloo and Everstart Jump Starters
Kusiyana koyamba pakati pa oyambira awiriwa ndikuti Gooloo ili ndi mphamvu ya batri yaying'ono kuposa Everstart. Everstart ili ndi batire ya 12000mAh pomwe Gooloo ili ndi batire ya 10400mAh.
Kusiyana kwa mphamvu kumatha kuwonekera poyang'ana kulemera kwa chipangizo chilichonse: Gooloo amalemera 3 mapaundi pamene Everstart imalemera 2 mapaundi. Izi zikutanthauza kuti mudzayenera kubwezanso Gooloo yanu pafupipafupi kuposa momwe mungayambitsire Everstart yanu., zomwe zingakhudze kusuntha kwake.
Another difference between these two devices is their price tag: The Gooloo costs $130 while the Everstart costs $80, so you get more for less with this product. There are other minor differences between these two products, but those two were probably enough to make you want to do some more research before making a decision about which one is right for you!
Gooloo vs EverStart on Power
The EverStart Jump Starter has a built-in LED flashlight which makes it easier for you to see what you are doing in case you need to change a tire or fix another mechanical problem while driving at night or during dark weather conditions.
This device also comes with 12V DC power outlet and 120 PSI air compressor yomwe imapangitsa kuti ikhale ngati malo opangira magetsi pakagwa mwadzidzidzi pomwe mungafunike magetsi owonjezera pazida zamagetsi monga mafoni am'manja ndi laputopu ndi zina zambiri..
Gooloo Jump Starter ilinso ndi zinthu zambiri zabwino! Imatha kuyambitsa injini mpaka 6L, koma sizigwira ntchito pamainjini a dizilo kapena ma injini akulu ngati zomwe EverStart ingachite. Gooloo imabweranso ndi zingwe ziwiri m'malo mwa imodzi monga EverStart imachitira - imodzi ya mabatire apansi pa 24V ndi ina ya mabatire a 24V.. Izi zimakupatsani mwayi wolipira batire yamtundu uliwonse kaya ndi galimoto, ngalawa, makina otchetcha udzu kapena njinga yamoto! Gooloo ilinso ndi zida zodzitchinjiriza zokhazikika monga chitetezo cha reverse polarity komanso chitetezo chachifupi chomwe chimatsimikizira kuti simudzawononga batri yanu..
Gooloo vs EverStart on Safety
EverStart Jump Starter ili ndi chitetezo chochulukirapo komanso chitetezo chobwerera kumbuyo kuti mukhale otetezeka mukachigwiritsa ntchito. Ilinso ndi gawo lodziwikiratu lamagetsi, kutanthauza kuti izindikira ngati batire yanu ikufunika kuyitanitsa kaye musanayiyambitse. Izi zimalepheretsa kuchulukitsitsa komwe kungathe kuwononga batire kapena kuyambitsa kuphulika ngati pali kupanikizika kwambiri mkati mwa chingwe chodumphira ndi batire ya asidi yotsogolera imayambitsa moto mukalumikizidwa molakwika..
Gooloo Jump Starter Choyambira cha Gooloo jumper ndi njira yabwino ngati mukufunafuna china chake chotsika mtengo koma mukufunabe kuchita bwino kuchokera pa choyambira chanu..
Chitetezo ndichofunika kwambiri pankhani yoyambira kulumpha ndi ma charger a batri. EverStart Jump Starter ndi Gooloo Jump Starter onse ali ndi chitetezo chomwe chimakutetezani inu ndi galimoto yanu.. Onse a Gooloo ndi EverStart amabwera ndi zida zachitetezo zomwe zingakuthandizeni kuti musavulale mukamagwiritsa ntchito.
Amabweranso ndi zinthu zachitetezo zomwe zimateteza galimoto yanu kuti isawonongeke mukamagwiritsa ntchito kulumpha kuyambitsa batire yakufa. Gooloo ili ndi mbali ziwiri zazikulu zachitetezo: Kutetezedwa ku reverse polarity: Izi zikutanthauza ngati mwangozi mulumikiza ma clamps mobwerera, sizingawononge galimoto yanu kapena zingwe zodumphira zokha. Zikutanthauzanso kuti ngati wina ayesa kubera batire yanu, sadzatha kuzigwiritsa ntchito chifukwa sangathe kuzilumikiza bwino.
Chitetezo china ndi chakuti EverStarts imabwera ndi geji yamagetsi yomwe imakudziwitsani kuchuluka kwa ndalama zomwe zatsala mu batri musanayikenso..
Gooloo jumper starter imaperekanso zinthu zina zabwino kwambiri zachitetezo monga ntchito yotseka basi ndi tochi ya LED kuti muwone zomwe.
Gooloo vs EverStart on Price
Zikafika pamtengo, EverStart ndiyokwera mtengo kwambiri mwa ziwirizi. EverStart Jump Starter ili ndi mtengo wamndandanda wa $99, pamene chitsanzo cha Gooloo chili ndi mndandanda wa mtengo wa $85. Kumbali ya magwiridwe antchito, oyambira onse awiri ndi ofanana kwambiri. Iwo ali ndi ma amps ofanana - 800 pa nkhani ya EverStart ndi 800 pa nkhani ya Gooloo - komanso kufananiza ozizira cranking amps (500 CCA vs 500 CCA).
EverStart has been around for a long time, and their products are well-known for their high quality. They have been reviewed by many users, and they are one of the best car jump starters on the market. Komabe, EverStart is more expensive than Gooloo. Gooloo is also a good choice if you want to buy a car jumper starter. It has some advantages over other jump starters such as EverStart or PowerAll because it can be used with other devices such as phones, mapiritsi, laptops and even drones.
Yemwe Apambana Nkhondo ya Brands?
EverStart Jump Starters vs Gooloo Jump Starters Both EverStart and Gooloo offer a great line of portable jump starters that can be used by anyone who needs a boost in their battery. They don’t require any tools for installation or maintenance since there’s no need to install them permanently on your vehicle’s battery.
These devices are both portable battery packs that can jump start your car if you get stranded with a dead battery. Both of these devices have their pros and cons.
EverStart is the better choice. One of the main benefits of EverStart is that it comes with everything you need—no extra equipment necessary. Kuphatikiza apo, it’s safer than a traditional jump starter (which costs anywhere from $60 ku $90). And while Gooloo Jump Starter doesn’t come with any cables or cords, you should still have no issues getting it on your car’s battery. Komabe, if that’s not enough for you, mutha kugula zingwe zoyenera kuchokera kusitolo yapafupi ya zida zamagalimoto.
Gooloo Jump Starter 4000
The Gooloo Jump Starter 4000 ndi choyambira chonyamula chomwe chimalola madalaivala kuyambitsa galimoto yawo batire ikafa. Imakhala ndi kompresa yopangidwa ndi mpweya yomwe imakupatsani mwayi wowonjezera matayala pamagalimoto ndi magalimoto, komanso mitundu ina ya matayala.
Ilinso ndi madoko awiri a USB opangira zida zolipirira popita, kuphatikiza mafoni ndi mapiritsi. Ikhoza kulipira iPhone ya Apple 6 pafupifupi katatu pa mtengo umodzi. Chipangizocho chili ndi batire ya lithiamu ion yomwe imapangidwira yomwe imapereka mphamvu yofunikira kuti mulumphire galimoto yanu mpaka 20 nthawi ndi zake 400 ampere peak current. Chigawochi chikulemera pang'ono 6 mapaundi ndi miyeso 4 x 2 x 12 mainchesi mu kukula, kupangitsa kuti zikhale zosavuta kuyenda nanu poyenda.
Gooloo Jump Starter ili ndi batri ya lithiamu ion yopangidwa yomwe imapereka mpaka 400 ampere peak panopa mphamvu pa 12 volts DC zotsatira. Izi zimapangitsa kuti azitha kulumpha magalimoto ambiri mpaka 10 nthawi popanda zovuta kapena zovuta. 2 Madoko a USB: Choyambira chodumphira ichi chimabwera ndi madoko awiri a USB omwe amakulolani kuti muzilipiritsa mafoni, mapiritsi ndi zida zina mukakhala panjira kapena kunja.
The Gooloo Jump Starter 4000 lapangidwa kuti likhale lophatikizana komanso lonyamulika, ndi kulemera kwa chilungamo 4 mapaundi. Ili ndi CCA ya 400 amps, zomwe ndi zokwanira kuyambitsa magalimoto ambiri. Zimabwera ndi tochi yophatikizika yomwe ingagwiritsidwe ntchito pazinthu zingapo, kuphatikizira kuwunikira madera amdima kapena kuwonetsa thandizo pakagwa mwadzidzidzi.
Imabwera ndi doko la USB komanso ili ndi kampasi yomangidwa ndi thermometer. Palinso air compressor yomwe ingagwiritsidwe ntchito kukweza matayala kapena zinthu zina zowotcha.
EverStart Maxx Jump Starter 1200
Check EverStart Maxx Jump Starter 1200 Ndemanga za Makasitomala
The EverStart Maxx Jump Starter 1200 is a portable jump starter that can jumpstart your car up to 15 nthawi pa mtengo umodzi. It also features an air compressor to inflate tires and an LED flashlight. The EverStart Maxx Jump Starter is a good option if you’re looking for a portable jump starter, but it’s not the best pick for charging smartphones or tablets due to its limited output ports.
The EverStart Maxx Jump Starter has a maximum output of 600 amps at 12V DC, which makes it one of the most powerful portable jump starters on the market today. That’s enough power to start even large trucks and SUVs with ease. Pamenepo, this unit is so powerful that it can start two vehicles at once if you have two cables available — an industry first! The EverStart Maxx Jump Starter 1200 has a built-in air compressor that can fill tires up to 80 PSI in just 3 minutes flat.
This feature makes it one of the few portable jump starters on the market today with this capability and it comes in handy when you need to inflate tires quickly and easily without having to physically go over to an air station or gas station.
The EverStart Jump Starter is best for heavy duty vehicles and trucks. The EverStart Jump Starter can start a dead battery up to 15 nthawi pa mtengo umodzi. It comes with a 100-amp clamps and a 12V power outlet, which allows you to charge your smartphone or other devices while the EverStart is in use. This jump starter even has a built-in LED light for those dark nights when you need some extra light. EverStart Maxx Jump Starter imabwera yodzaza ndipo ndi yokonzeka kupita mukaifuna kwambiri.
Mulinso ndi mpweya kompresa kwa matayala inflating. EverStart Maxx Jump Starter imabwera ndi zomangira zolemetsa ndi zingwe kuti mulumikizane mosavuta ndi mabatire., komanso mafani awiri omangidwa kuti aziziziritsa zida zamkati panthawi yogwira ntchito. The EverStart 1200 ali ndi mapangidwe a ergonomic okhala ndi ma grips kuti azigwira mosavuta, ngakhale mutavala magolovesi kapena mukugwira ntchito nyengo yozizira. The EverStart Maxx 1200 imabwera ndi chotulutsa cha 12V DC kuti mutha kulipira foni yanu yam'manja kapena zida zina zam'manja mukakhala panjira (pogwiritsa ntchito adapter yosankha).
The End Of EverStart Jump Starter vs Gooloo Jump Starter
EverStart Jump Starter kapena Gooloo Jump Starter iyenera kugwiritsidwa ntchito pakagwa mwadzidzidzi ndipo sayenera kugwiritsidwa ntchito pafupipafupi.. The choyambira galimoto iliyonse ikufuna ndi batire. Batire imalumikizidwa ndi choyambira, zomwe zimamangiriridwa ku injini.