Noco GB40 Problemi u Soluzzjonijiet Tagħhom: Waħħal Mhux Iċċarġjar, Ħsejjes li tikklikkja u Aktar

Noco GB40 Problemi: Jekk qed tesperjenza problemi bil-jump starter tiegħek Noco GB40, hemm ftit soluzzjonijiet li tista 'tipprova. Kun żgur li l-batterija tiegħek tiddaħħal b'mod korrett. Il-batterija għandha titqiegħed fil-qiegħ ta 'l-unità u l-kuntatti tal-fidda fuq il-batterija għandhom ikunu allinjati mal-kuntatti tal-fidda fuq l-unità.

Problemi Komuni NOCO GB40 Jump Starter

Il- Noco genius boost gb40 common problems includes the following list.

  1. Not Charging
  2. Mhux Taħdem
  3. Clicking Noise
  4. Flashing Red & Green
  5. The chords on clamps are very short
  6. Lack of a wall charger for recharging
  7. Restricted to 12-volt lead-acid batteries
  8. Limited capacity and number of ports
  9. Only has 5V ports
  10. Jump-starts for less than six times
  11. Lights keep running

Not Charging and Solution

Not Charging: Jekk in-Noco Genius Boost GB40 tiegħek mhux qed jiċċarġja, ir-raġuni l-aktar probabbli hija jew il-batterija jew iċ-ċarġer. Jekk ippruvajt chargers u batteriji differenti, allura l-problema tista 'tkun bl-apparat innifsu.

Biex tiffissa dan, remove any loose objects near the device or try pressing down on the speaker until it disappears. If you are hearing clicking noises from your Noco Genius Boost GB40, jista’ jkun li hemm xi ħaġa li tostakola lill-kelliem.

Not Working and Solution

Waħħal mhux iċċarġjar: Jekk Noco GB40 Genius Boost tiegħek mhux qed jiċċarġja kif suppost, ipprova ibdel il-batterija. Jekk dan ma jsolvix il-kwistjoni, jista 'jkun dovut għal ċarġer difettuż. F'dak il-każ, please reach out to our support team for a replacement charger.

Clicking Noise and Solution

Xi jump starters jagħmlu ħsejjes ta’ tikklikkja meta jkunu qed jiċċarġjaw. Dan ġeneralment ikun minħabba li l-batterija tkun kiesħa wisq jew sħuna wisq. Biex tirranġa din il-problema, saħħan il-batterija qabel ma tipprova tiċċarġjaha. Alternattivament, ipprova uża tip differenti ta 'ċarġer għall-jump starter tiegħek.

Flashing Red & Aħdar u Soluzzjoni

If your NOCO GB40 is flashing red and green, hemm ftit affarijiet li tista 'tagħmel biex tipprova tirranġa l-kwistjoni. L-ewwel, check the battery level and make sure it is charged. Jekk il-batterija tkun baxxa, charge it for a few hours and then try again. Jekk il-batterija tkun iċċarġjata, try resetting the device by pressing and holding the power button for 10 sekondi. If the GB40 still won’t stop flashing red and green, contact NOCO customer support for help.

The chords on clamps are very short

Your NOCO GB40 chords on clamps are very short, there are a few things you can do to fix the issue. L-ewwel, try to adjust the clamps so that they are not so tight. This will give the chords some slack and allow you to stretch them out a bit. Jekk dan ma jaħdimx, you can try using a wire cutter to cut the chords. Be sure to cut them as close to the clamps as possible so that you do not damage the clamps.

Lack of a wall charger for recharging

Because of your NOCO GB40 jump starter doesn’t come with a wall charger, you can use a USB cable to recharge it. Just connect the USB cable to the GB40 and then plug it into a USB power source. You can use a USB port on your computer or a USB power adapter.

It’s also important to make sure that the GB40 is properly connected to the power source. The red charging indicator light should be lit up when the GB40 is connected to a power source. If the red light is not lit, check the connections and make sure that the GB40 is properly plugged into the power source.

Once the GB40 is properly connected to a power source, the red charging indicator light will turn off when the GB40 is fully charged.

Restricted to 12-volt lead-acid batteries

L-ewwel, you’ll want to check the battery terminals to make sure that they are clean and free of corrosion. If the terminals are corroded, you can clean them with a wire brush or by using a solution of baking soda and water.

Li jmiss, you’ll want to check the connections between the charger and the battery. Make sure that the connections are tight and secure.

Fl-aħħarnett, you’ll want to check the charger itself to make sure that it is working properly. If the charger is not working properly, jista' jkollok bżonn tissostitwiha.

Limited capacity and number of ports

L-ewwel, try resetting the device. Biex tagħmel dan, simply remove the battery and then reinsert it. This should reset the device and hopefully fix the issue.

Jekk dan ma jaħdimx, then you may need to update the firmware on the device. You can do this by downloading the latest firmware from the NOCO website and then following the instructions on how to update the firmware.

If neither of those solutions work, then you may need to contact NOCO customer support for further assistance.

Only has 5V ports

L-ewwel, check to make sure that the charging cable is properly connected to the GB40. If the cable is loose or not properly connected, this could be the reason why the GB40 is only outputting 5V.

Li jmiss, try resetting the GB40 by disconnecting it from the power source and then reconnecting it. This sometimes helps to reset the unit and fix any issues that may be causing it to only output 5V.

Jump-starts for less than six times

L-ewwel, iċċekkja l-batterija. Make sure that it is properly charged and that there are no loose connections.

If the battery seems to be fine, then the next step is to check the jump-start terminals. Make sure that they are clean and free of corrosion.

If the terminals are clean and the battery is charged, then the next step is to check the jumper cables. Make sure that they are the right size and that they are in good condition.

If the jumper cables are in good condition and the right size, then the next step is to check the engine. Make sure that there is no debris blocking the engine from starting.

If the engine is clear and the battery is charged, then the last step is to check the NOCO GB40 itself. Make sure that it is properly connected and that all of the settings are correct.

Lights keep running

L-ewwel, check the batteries. If the batteries are low, recharge them or replace them with new ones. If the batteries are not the problem, then the issue may be with the light itself. Try cleaning the light with a soft cloth and see if that helps. If the light is still not working properly, jista' jkollok bżonn tissostitwiha.


Q1: Kif nuża Noco Genius Boost GB40?

Q2: Kemm idum idum Noco GB40?

The NOCO GB40’s can last a very long time due to the cycle capabilities of the lithium battery, the key is to charge them once every 6 months if they are in storage.

Q3: Noco GB40 jiċċarġja l-batterija?

Iva, the Noco GB40 will charge your battery. It is a battery charger and maintainer that is designed to keep your battery charged and in good condition.

Q4: Kif niċċarġja Genius GB40?

Q5: Noco GB40 jeħtieġ li jiġi ċċarġjat kompletament?

Iva, when you get it, fully charge it before first using it to ensure optimal performance.

Q6: Nista 'nħalli NOCO boost plus gb40 pplaggjat?

Iva, the NOCO GB40 has built in overcharge protection and can remain on a charging source at all times.

Q7: Kif inkun naf jekk Noco genius hux qed jiċċarġja?

Meta l-batterija tkun qed tiċċarġja, the charge LED will be illuminated red. The charge LED will remain a solid Red color (not blinking) until the battery is fully charged. Meta l-batterija tkun kompletament iċċarġjata, the charge LED will be illuminated Green.

Q8: How do I reset a Noco GB40 Battery charger?

Hemm ftit modi differenti biex tirrisettja ċarġer Noco GB40. Xi nies isibu li għandhom bżonn jagħmlu dan meta l-ċarġer tagħhom ma jkunx qed jiċċarġja t-tagħmir tagħhom jew meta jkunu qed jieħdu ħsejjes ta’ tikklikkja mill-ċarġer.

Neħħi l-batterija u l-karta tal-memorja mill-apparat. Itfi l-ċarġer mal-ħajt. Neħħi l-batterija u l-karta tal-memorja mill-apparat. Żomm il-buttuna tal-qawwa għal 3 sekondi, imbagħad neħħi l-batterija u l-karta tal-memorja. Erġa' installa kemm il-batteriji kif ukoll il-karta tal-memorja. Erġa' qabbad il-ċarġer mal-iżbokk tad-dawl. Agħfas u żomm il-buttuna tal-qawwa għal 3 sekondi, imbagħad itlaqha.

Id-dawl aħdar fuq il-ċarġer għandu jintefa wara madwar 10 sekondi. Ixgħel l-apparat billi tagħfas u żżomm il-buttuna tal-qawwa għal madwar 5 sekondi. Jekk kollox jonqos, tista 'tipprova tirrisettja t-tagħmir tiegħek billi żżomm 'l isfel iż-żewġ buttuni f'daqqa għal madwar 10 sekondi.

Q9: How many mAh is the NOCO GB40?

The Noco GB40 genius BOOST gets 2150 mAh and 1000 A.


Jekk qed tesperjenza problemi bl-apparat Noco GB40 tiegħek, bħal ħsejjes li ma jiċċarġjawx jew tikklikkjaw, hemm ftit affarijiet li tista 'tagħmel biex tirranġahom. If all of above solutions fail, jista' jkun iż-żmien li tieħu Noco GB40 tiegħek għal tiswijiet.