Pirsgirêkên Noco GB40 û Çareseriyên Wan: Fix Not Charging, Bitikîne Deng û Zêdetir

Pirsgirêkên Noco GB40: Heke hûn bi destpêka xweya Noco GB40-ê re pirsgirêk derdikevin, çend çareseriyên ku hûn dikarin biceribînin hene. Piştrast bikin ku batarya we rast hatiye danîn. Divê pîlê di binê yekîneyê de were danîn û têkiliyên zîv ên li ser pîlê divê bi têkiliyên zîv ên li ser yekîneyê re werin rêz kirin..

Pirsgirêkên Destpêker ên Berhevkirî yên NOCO GB40

Ew Noco genius boost gb40 common problems includes the following list.

  1. Not Charging
  2. Not Working
  3. Clicking Noise
  4. Flashing Red & Green
  5. The chords on clamps are very short
  6. Lack of a wall charger for recharging
  7. Restricted to 12-volt lead-acid batteries
  8. Limited capacity and number of ports
  9. Only has 5V ports
  10. Jump-starts for less than six times
  11. Lights keep running

Not Charging and Solution

Not Charging: Ger Noco Genius Boost GB40-ya we nayê barkirin, sedema herî muhtemel an pîlê an şarjê ye. Ger we şarj û bataryayên cûda ceribandiye, hingê dibe ku pirsgirêk bi amûrê bixwe be.

Ji bo sererastkirina vê, remove any loose objects near the device or try pressing down on the speaker until it disappears. If you are hearing clicking noises from your Noco Genius Boost GB40, dibe ku tiştek hebe ku axaftvan asteng dike.

Not Working and Solution

Serûber nekirina barkirinê: Ger Noco GB40 Genius Boost we bi rêkûpêk şarj nake, hewl bidin ku pîlê veguherînin. Ger ew pirsgirêk çareser neke, dibe ku ew ji ber şarjêrek xelet be. Di wê rewşê de, please reach out to our support team for a replacement charger.

Clicking Noise and Solution

Hin destpêkerên bazdanê dema ku bar dikin dengên tikandinê derdixin. Ev bi gelemperî ji ber ku pîlê pir sar an pir germ e. Ji bo çareserkirina vê pirsgirêkê, berî ku hûn hewl bidin ku wê bar bikin, pîlê germ bikin. Alternatîf, biceribînin ku ji bo destpêkirina xweya bazdanê celebek şarjkerek cûda bikar bînin.

Flashing Red & Kesk û Çareserî

If your NOCO GB40 is flashing red and green, çend tişt hene ku hûn dikarin bikin ku biceribînin û pirsgirêkê çareser bikin. Yekem, check the battery level and make sure it is charged. Ger pîlê kêm be, charge it for a few hours and then try again. Ger pîlê tê barkirin, try resetting the device by pressing and holding the power button for 10 seconds. If the GB40 still won’t stop flashing red and green, contact NOCO customer support for help.

The chords on clamps are very short

Your NOCO GB40 chords on clamps are very short, there are a few things you can do to fix the issue. Yekem, try to adjust the clamps so that they are not so tight. This will give the chords some slack and allow you to stretch them out a bit. Ger ev kar neke, you can try using a wire cutter to cut the chords. Be sure to cut them as close to the clamps as possible so that you do not damage the clamps.

Lack of a wall charger for recharging

Because of your NOCO GB40 jump starter doesn’t come with a wall charger, you can use a USB cable to recharge it. Just connect the USB cable to the GB40 and then plug it into a USB power source. You can use a USB port on your computer or a USB power adapter.

It’s also important to make sure that the GB40 is properly connected to the power source. The red charging indicator light should be lit up when the GB40 is connected to a power source. If the red light is not lit, check the connections and make sure that the GB40 is properly plugged into the power source.

Once the GB40 is properly connected to a power source, the red charging indicator light will turn off when the GB40 is fully charged.

Restricted to 12-volt lead-acid batteries

Yekem, you’ll want to check the battery terminals to make sure that they are clean and free of corrosion. If the terminals are corroded, you can clean them with a wire brush or by using a solution of baking soda and water.

Piştî, you’ll want to check the connections between the charger and the battery. Make sure that the connections are tight and secure.

Paşan, you’ll want to check the charger itself to make sure that it is working properly. If the charger is not working properly, dibe ku hûn hewce ne ku wê biguhezînin.

Limited capacity and number of ports

Yekem, try resetting the device. Ji bo vê yekê bikin, simply remove the battery and then reinsert it. This should reset the device and hopefully fix the issue.

Ger ew nexebite, then you may need to update the firmware on the device. You can do this by downloading the latest firmware from the NOCO website and then following the instructions on how to update the firmware.

If neither of those solutions work, then you may need to contact NOCO customer support for further assistance.

Only has 5V ports

Yekem, check to make sure that the charging cable is properly connected to the GB40. If the cable is loose or not properly connected, this could be the reason why the GB40 is only outputting 5V.

Piştî, try resetting the GB40 by disconnecting it from the power source and then reconnecting it. This sometimes helps to reset the unit and fix any issues that may be causing it to only output 5V.

Jump-starts for less than six times

Yekem, pîlê kontrol bike. Make sure that it is properly charged and that there are no loose connections.

If the battery seems to be fine, then the next step is to check the jump-start terminals. Make sure that they are clean and free of corrosion.

If the terminals are clean and the battery is charged, then the next step is to check the jumper cables. Make sure that they are the right size and that they are in good condition.

If the jumper cables are in good condition and the right size, then the next step is to check the engine. Make sure that there is no debris blocking the engine from starting.

If the engine is clear and the battery is charged, then the last step is to check the NOCO GB40 itself. Make sure that it is properly connected and that all of the settings are correct.

Lights keep running

Yekem, check the batteries. If the batteries are low, recharge them or replace them with new ones. If the batteries are not the problem, then the issue may be with the light itself. Try cleaning the light with a soft cloth and see if that helps. If the light is still not working properly, dibe ku hûn hewce ne ku wê biguhezînin.


Q1: Ez çawa dikarim Noco Genius Boost GB40 bikar bînim?

Q2: Noco GB40 çiqas dom dike?

The NOCO GB40’s can last a very long time due to the cycle capabilities of the lithium battery, the key is to charge them once every 6 months if they are in storage.

Q3: Ma Noco GB40 pîlê bar dike?

Erê, the Noco GB40 will charge your battery. It is a battery charger and maintainer that is designed to keep your battery charged and in good condition.

Q4: Ez çawa dikarim Genius GB40 bar bikim?

Q5: Ma Noco GB40 pêdivî ye ku bi tevahî were barkirin?

Erê, when you get it, fully charge it before first using it to ensure optimal performance.

Q6: Ma ez dikarim NOCO boost plus gb40 ve girêdayî bihêlim?

Erê, the NOCO GB40 has built in overcharge protection and can remain on a charging source at all times.

Q7: Ez çawa dizanim gelo Noco genius şarj dike?

Dema ku pîlê tê barkirin, the charge LED will be illuminated red. The charge LED will remain a solid Red color (not blinking) until the battery is fully charged. Dema ku pîlê bi tevahî barkirin, the charge LED will be illuminated Green.

Q8: How do I reset a Noco GB40 Battery charger?

Çend awayên cûda hene ku meriv şarjkerek Noco GB40 ji nû ve saz bike. Hin kes dibînin ku ew hewce ne ku wiya bikin dema ku şarjêrê wan cîhaza wan bar nake an dema ku ew dengên klîk ji şarjê digirin..

Pîlê û qerta bîranînê ji cîhazê derxînin. Li dîwêr şarjê vemirînin. Pîlê û qerta bîranînê ji cîhazê derxînin. Ji bo bişkojka hêzê bigire 3 seconds, paşê pîlê û karta bîra jê. Hem pîl û hem jî qerta bîranînê ji nû ve saz bikin. Ji nû ve şarjê bi dergeha elektrîkê ve girêdin. Ji bo bişkojka hêzê çap bikin û bigirin 3 seconds, paşê berdin.

Divê ronahiya kesk a li ser şarjê piştî nêzîkê vemire 10 seconds. Amûrê bi tikandin û girtina bişkoja hêzê ya ji bo nêzîkê vekin 5 seconds. Ger hemû tiştên din bi ser nekevin, hûn dikarin bi girtina her du bişkokan bi yekcarî û bi qasî biceribînin amûrê xwe ji nû ve saz bikin 10 seconds.

Q9: How many mAh is the NOCO GB40?

The Noco GB40 genius BOOST gets 2150 mAh and 1000 YEK.


Heke hûn bi cîhaza xweya Noco GB40 re pirsgirêkan dikişînin, wek şarj nekirin an tikandina dengan, çend tişt hene ku hûn dikarin bikin ku wan rast bikin. If all of above solutions fail, dibe ku ew dem be ku hûn Noco GB40-a xwe ji bo tamîrkirinê bigirin.