የእርስዎ ከሆነ የ Everstart ዝላይ ጀማሪ አይሰራም ወይም በጩኸት ይሂዱ, here are the reasons and solutions. ከዚህም በላይ, if your jump starter has other issues, you can also read this article to find the easy fixes.
የተሰበረ ዝላይ ማስጀመሪያ መጠቀም አደገኛ ሊሆን ይችላል ስለዚህ Everstart እያጋጠመዎት ከሆነ ድምጽ ማሰማት ወይም የኤቨርስታርት ዝላይ ጀማሪ አይሰራም, ለማስተካከል መሞከር አለብዎት.
Everstart jump starter beeping: መንስኤ እና መፍትሄ
If your Everstart jump starter is beeping, it could be for one of three reasons: a dead battery, a low charge, or an improper connection.
A dead battery is the most common reason for a jump starter to beep. If your battery is completely dead, you’ll need to replace it.
A low charge can also cause your jump starter to beep. If your jump starter doesn’t have enough power to start your car, it will let you know by beeping. ይህንን ለማስተካከል, you’ll need to charge your jump starter.
An improper connection can also cause your jump starter to beep. If you’re not connecting the jump starter properly, it will let you know by beeping. Make sure you’re connecting the jump starter correctly before you try to start your car.
To fix the issue, first check the battery to see if it is dead. ባትሪው ከሞተ, you’ll need to replace it. If the battery is low on charge, መሙላት ያስፈልግዎታል. በመጨረሻም, check the connection to make sure it is secure.
Everstart jump starter Not Working: መንስኤ እና መፍትሄ
If your Everstart jump starter isn’t working, there are 3 possible causes:
- 1. The jump starter may be dead.
- 2. The jump starter may be faulty.
- 3. The jump starter may be incompatible with your car.
To fix a dead jump starter, ባትሪውን መተካት ያስፈልግዎታል. To fix a faulty jump starter, you’ll need to take it to a mechanic or an automotive specialist. And to fix an incompatible jump starter, you’ll need to find a jump starter that’s compatible with your car.
The jump starter not holding a charge: መንስኤ እና መፍትሄ
An Everstart jump starter not holding a charge can be caused by a number of things.
- One of the most common causes is simply that the battery is not being used regularly. If the battery is not being used regularly, it will slowly lose its charge and eventually die.
- Another common cause is that the battery is not being charged properly. If the battery is not being charged properly, it will also slowly lose its charge and eventually die.
The solution to an Everstart jump starter not holding a charge is to first identify the cause. Once the cause is identified, the proper solution can be applied.
Other problems reported by Everstart users include:
- Doesn’t work after charging for two weeks
- ክፍያን ከጥቂት ቀናት በላይ አይይዝም።
- ለኃይል መሙላት ሲሰካ በጣም ይሞቃል
- መንስኤው ምን እንደሆነ ከተረዱ ችግሩን በራስዎ ማስተካከል ይችላሉ. የኤቨርስታርት ዝላይ ጀማሪ የማይሰራ ዋና ዋና ምክንያቶች እዚህ አሉ።:
- ገመዶቹ በትክክል አልተገናኙም.
- ቻርጅ መሙያው የተሳሳተ ነው ወይም እየሰራ ነው።.
- ባትሪው ሞቷል እና መሙላት ያስፈልገዋል.
What you should attention when using Everstart?
የ Everstart ዝላይ ጀማሪዎችን ሲጠቀሙ, ለሚከተሉት ነገሮች ትኩረት መስጠት አለብዎት እና ኦፊሴላዊውን መመሪያ እዚህ ይከተሉ:
በመጀመሪያ, ቀዩ ገመድ ከባትሪው አወንታዊ ተርሚናል ጋር መያያዙን ማረጋገጥ አለቦት. ጥቁር ገመድ ከአሉታዊው ተርሚናል ጋር ይገናኛል. ከመገናኘቱ በፊት የዝላይ አስጀማሪው መጥፋት አለበት።.
ከዚህ ቀደም የኤቨርስታርት ዝላይ ጀማሪን ተጠቅመህ ከሆነ እና በላዩ ላይ የደህንነት ባህሪ እንዳለ ካላወቅክ, ከዚያ እንደገና ለመጠቀም ሲሞክሩ በድንገት ጩኸት ሊጀምር ይችላል።. በእውነቱ በጣም አስደሳች ነው ምክንያቱም ባትሪዎን ካላወቁ ወይም ምን አይነት ባትሪ እየተጠቀሙ እንደሆነ ካላወቁ ይህ ሊከሰት ይችላል..
ይህ እንዳይከሰት ለማስቆም ነው።, ሽፋኑን ከመሳሪያው ላይ ማስወገድ እና ፊውዝ መኖሩን ማረጋገጥ ያስፈልግዎታል. ምንም ፊውዝ ካልተገኘ, ከዚያ ከፍ ያለ የ amperage ደረጃ ባለው መተካት ያስፈልግዎታል.